Monday, May 23, 2011

#HELP Spirit of Rachel Corrie Ship - please COPY AND EMAIL THIS * RT

May 23, 2011

To: Dr. Essam Sharaf
Prime Minister of Egypt

To: D Nabil Abdalla El – Araby
Minster of Foreign Affairs
Address:Kornish el Nile, Maspiro- Cairo
Tel: 25749820 - 25749821
Fax: 25748822

cc: (insert here the Egyptian Embassy in your Country , emails are listed for most that I have seen– can be found at this link:
cc: (insert here the Foreign Minister of your country, and send via email if they have one or fax)
cc: (insert here if you wish, your Government Representative and their email and or fax)

To whom it may concern

Peace and Goodwill.

I am writing to tell you of my serious concern for the crew of the Merchant Vessel 'Finch' which was attacked on it's way to
delivering Humanitarian Aid to Gaza. This ship is presently at
anchor in Egyptian waters and cannot leave until a decision has
been made concerning its cargo. I ask that you, as a
representative of the new Egyptian democratic government; give assistance to the ship, its mission and its crew, as indeed was promised by your government before the ship set sail.

I fully understand that there is a meeting between the Egyptian and
Malaysian Foreign Ministers scheduled for today, to determine
the fate of the cargo that the ship is carrying to Gaza. However,
regardless of the outcome of this meeting, the crew of the ship are
still in desperate need of medical attention and fresh water, and
it is this humanitarian concern that i want to draw your attention

Because none of these matters are presently settled i want to make
an appeal to you to favourably consider the increasingly urgent
need for basic supplies and medical attention that the people on
board MV 'Finch' require. I respectfully ask you to do everything
possible and within your power, to assist these good people, by
providing fresh water and a doctor at the very earliest

Thank you for taking the time to deal with my communication to you.

Yours Sincerely

(your name)

أكتب لكم هنا تعبيرا عن قلقي العميق بخصوص طاقم السفينة التجارية الماليزية "فينش" التي هوجمت وهي تحاول توصيل المساعدات الانسانية الى قطاع غزة المحاصر.هذه السفينة راسية حاليا في المياه المصرية ,ولا تقدر على المغادرة حتى يتم اتخاذ قرار بحمولتها.

أنا على علم ان هناك اجتماع غدا بين وزير خارجيتي مصر وماليزيا بخصوص ما يجب فعله بحمولة السفينة,لكن وبغض ال...نظر عن نتيجة الاجتماع,فأن طاقم السفينة بحاجة ماسة للعناية الطبية ومياه الشرب.وانا الفت نظركم الى هذا من ناحية انسانية.بما ان الامور التي ذكرتها اعلاه لم يتم النظر فيها,فأني اناشدكم الاخذ بعين الاعتبار تأمين الاحتياجات الاساسية والعناية الطبية لطاقم السفينة.كما اناشدكم ايضا القيام ما بوسعكم لتحقيق هذه المطالب الانسانية .

اشكركم تكبد عناء قراءة رسالتي لكم


  1. thanks for posting this, a more current version was sent just after, as by the time this was done the talks were over, it's buried down in the posts now, I will try to copy it at top again. Someone started as a Page not a Group so it has no documents, notes, or events, notifications you can send out to members. & I can't make a group I too ill & have my own cause, thanks for your help and support.

  2. I got the Egyptian Foreign Minister's email as well, I called them myself, here:

    To: Dr. Essam Sharaf
    Prime Minister of Egypt

    To: Dr. Nabil Abdalla El – Araby
    Minster of Foreign Affairs
    Address:Kornish el Nile, Maspiro- Cairo
    Tel: 2574-9816 or 2574-9817
    Fax: 25748822

  3. cc: Perdana Global Peace Foundation (they own the FINCH aka Spirit of Rachel Corrie and were in prior Flotilla)
