Thursday, February 3, 2011

Latest Breaking Tweets from Tahrir - @ioerror:Dear #America Heavy machine gun fire in Egypt! Call White House Press Office now and demand change from Obama! 202-456-1414 #US

Moody Fahmy
Seen tracer fire in sky in Tahrir, heavy gunshot crackling- Bunkered down with my CNN crew lights out in balcony- monitoring live cam shot
Hossam Eid®
State deportment ORDERING all remanning American to deport Egypt immediately !!!!!!! Via CNN
RT @: BREAKING: No food or medications and help is needed urgently.
RT @:Dear Heavy machine gun fire in Egypt! Call White House Press Office now and demand change from Obama! 202-456-1414
Sky's Tim Marshall tweting that he believes more than 3 people have been killed in Tahrir square, AlJaz have heard of 2 deaths
Ali Seif
From my balcony I can't tell who is shooting t who, but it is very loud. Anti Mubarak protesters were there all day unarmed, remember that!
RT @: Protesters: "We want the free world to support us".
Ali Seif
OMG serious battling it seems, we can hear the shots. Like a war zone here :S. The shots are seriously all over
protestors on oct 6th bridge are being shot at!!! RT @: This is automatic gun sound !! What the hell !!?
MOBILIZE ACROSS THE COUNTRY !!!!! still reigns in sq. - NEEDED -medical aid food water -YOU ARE NEEDED!!!!!!
RT @: We're very tired but everyone is staying up to see the daylight. Still in disbelief over the day's events.
RT @ People are devastated for the martyrs. Praying for them and chanting against Mubarak. Very emotional scenes.
4:52 am Tanks andarmoured vehicles are pulling out of Tahrir Square, and one of our Web producer reports that two anti-Mubarak protesters are carried away, one shot in the head.
4:48 am  AJE correspondents report that anti-government protesters have chased Mubarak supporters off the October 6 Bridge.
4:45 am Ramy Raoof, an anti-Mubarak activist at Tahrir Square, tells Al Jazeera that anti-government protesters are guarding all the entrances of the square as they are anticipating another attack from pro-Mubarak forces.
4:23 am Reuters reports that one protester has been killed. Our correspondent reports that the tank on the bridge has positioned itself is in the direction of the gunfire, toward where the anti-government protesters are, at a smaller square near Tahrir Square.
4:20 am Gunfire ricocheting off the October 6 bridge, with a tank moving toward where anti-government protesters are. (aje)

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