Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Latest from Kharga Oasis in Al-Wadi al-Jadid

Latest from Kharga Oasis in Al-Wadi al-Jadid is that police have cut off electricity and water since around 4:00am. Protesters say that police set a gas station on fire after retreating from violent clashes with the protesters. The protesters set fire to the NDP headquarters. Al Jazeera cannot verify any of this information at this stage. Stay tuned for more details.
6:40am Twitter user Omar Ghannam says that witnesses in the Al-Wadi al-Jadid governorate are reporting that there are clashes between the police and pro-democracy protesters:
Also the police set a lot of convicts from the Wadi Prison free to scare the people, keeping only detainees of political nature. The latest news was that the convicts are set to attack the museum, and the protesters are preparing molotovs for defense.

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