Thursday, February 3, 2011

Live updates and links - EGYPT

  1. Heavy gunfire heard on the streets of Cairo. Watch live coverage of the events:  #
  2. Egypt PM 'sorry' for violence: Ahmad Shafiq promises not to allow street violence again, after clashes in
  3. Battle of Tahrir Square: Scenes of violence as anti-government protesters and pro-Mubarak supporters clash in th...
  4. Cairo ...
Sultan Al Qassemi
Live page grab of Meydan Tahrir now. Also shows alert of NDP thugs looking for journalists in hotels.
Jan25 Voices
Please RT ERROR tweet to make sure it makes the rounds. We are continuing LPC contact about the attempts at the Ramses Hilton door.
Sultan Al Qassemi
I am texting all the journalists I know in Cairo about the NDP thugs looking for them in hotels. Please alert them for their safety.
When they start arresting human rights activists and lawyers, you know mass arrests are underway.
Sultan Al Qassemi
Al Arabiya Breaking: Amnesty International confirms that some of its employees were arrested in Cairo
Sarah Naguib
It seems it's starting agian :( RT @: The last tweet was affirming that those were real gun shots
RT @: Journalist in are in much better condition. I see so many of them and no one is bothering them
RT @: The police ugly faces are back in Alexandria
I'm in awe RT @: I cant describe how beautiful tahrir is, ppl surprised at my reaction they've been living this dreem for a week
RT @: In case you missed tweets: 9 Hours of tweets :
Clashes back 1 of us wounded carried to medics, & they arrested one of them,chanting peaceful to prevent protesters from harming the thug
Sultan Al Qassemi
BBC Arabic: The protesters at Meydan Tahrir says that NDP thugs are preventing food from passing through to the square
BBC Breaking News
Egyptian Health Minister says 8 people have died so far and 890 have been injured, including 9 in a critical condition, in Cairo clashes
RT @: Not worried about dad he spent 5years in mubarak's prisons, been tortured before, he can handle them
Al Arabiya reports supporters storm hotels in , chase journalists
Alaa Abd El Fattah
Amazing atmosphere at tahrir, the joy is back in the square. Massive crowd singing dancing we cannot be defeated
Jan25 Voices
BREAKING: thugs into hilton hotel.
BBC - Anti-Mubarak protesters hit back
Jan25 Voices
Aljaz BREAKING. heavy gunfire in another part of the city.
Andy Carvin
Heavy gunfire now, away from Tahrir, possibly from APC. People are running towards the bridge
Sultan Al Qassemi
George Ishaq of Kefaya to BBC Arabic "The only people who have the right to negotiate are the brave people in Meydan Tahrir now"
Breaking News
Update on journalists in Egypt: 3 Al Jazeera reporters arrested, the TV station says; 2 NYT reporters arrested, according to AP's @
Sultan Al Qassemi
Al Jazeera breaking: Three Al Jazeera journalists arrested in Egypt

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