Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TAHRIR Sq. Peaceful Protesters being MASSACRED by Mubaraks police and paid thugs

RT @: A stream of molotov cocktails being thrown from top of building opposite the museum down into the protesters
Hossam عمو حسام
Fuck you Omar! Who says we wanna negotiate? LEAVE! RT: @: عمر سليمان : لاحوار مع القوى السياسية قبل وقف المظاهرات
Omar Soliman : no talks with political powers , except when the protests are over !!
Occupied Cairo
RT @: Something is very seriously on fire in front of the barricade.
Real World News
5000 anti-Mubarak youth returning to Tahrir & planning to stay overnight, thugs are cornered at Egyptian Museum via @
Evan Hill
Black smoke has begun billowing up from somewhere very close to the eastern wall of the Egyptian Museum, among pro-Mubarak crowd.
RT @: Both sides battling on side streets. Pro-mubarak carrying machetes via @ .
Sofia Smith
Pls take care & good luck!!! RT @ I have twenty five stitches in my head and and I can't see with my left eye...
RT @: PLS RT RT @: Any1 injured out there who cnt find help I cn giv medical advise. I'm dr, plz contact me.
Nidal Mawas
Omar Suleiman, how about you go to hell too?
Hossam عمو حسام
An Army Helicopter was flying over Nasr City half an hour ago.
Take a look at this video -- Among pro-Mubarak crowds during rock throwing via @
Real World News
Pictures: The world needs to see how peaceful the protesters are via @
Tom Rayner
Convoy of 10+ vans with blue flashing lights just passed down corniche - some saying it's return of police, but cld be more ambulances
Mhd Chehab
Firebombs being dropped on Protesters from 14 story building in Tahir Square! Stand off continues in front of National Museum
Keke E
If you are in , this is last stand. MARCH TO TAHRIR NOW! God knows I would.PLEASE Plz RT SHARE CALL EVERYBODY IN EGYPT
Jonathan Rugman
They are still chanting "the regime must come down" in Tahrir Sq. Petrol bombs thrown from a roof
Hamas and PA finally found unity: both banned the Palestinians from showing solidarity with
Real World News
Missing Person's List since the demos in square - Google Docs via @
RT @: A moment ago, several bursts of automatic gunfire was heard from just west of Tahrir Square.
Real World News
Thugs surrounding our car not allowing us to pass wt medical supplies via @
ashraf khalil
Anybody out there that has hard evidence--ID cards etc--that Tahrir attackers were security officers, post it, spread it everywhere
Children of the protests - "Welcome to the new Egypt,” says Hagar, seven years old
RT @ Help we r getting arrested at the manra by PA
Asa Winstanley
IF YOU'RE IN GET TO AL MANARA NOW!!! Demo against Mubarak: PA thugs trying to arrest -- people need support.
RT @: A child was reportedly killed in Al Tahrir via@altahawi SHAME ON MEDIA -START CALLING THEM STATE POLICE & PAID THUGS
Frederik Pleitgen
Sounds like automatic weapons fire coming from Tahrir Sq.
Remi Kanazi
The US media has been the propaganda arm of Mubarak, just as they were the propaganda arm of the US military in the run up to Iraq
Sultan Al Qassemi
Al Jazeera Arabic interviews Dr. Mostafa El Feki from the NDP "I can confirm that NDP businessmen were behind the Meydan Tahrir mercenaries"
Sofia Smith
RT @ You have nonviolent protesters covered in blood, so what does a US reporter ask: Why are you protesting...
USA RT @: "The worst thing is not that the world is unfree, but that people have unlearned their liberty."-Milan Kundera
Hossam عمو حسام
New post: Down with the tyrant يسقط الطاغية
Frederik Pleitgen
Very true! Still a melee RT @ The live Reuters feed of Tahrir Square doesn't represent the violence we are seeing below our balcony.
Noor Al-Hajri
Groups of Anti-Mubarak Protests now Gathering In Tahrir - The Square is filling up again!!
Ahmed Moor: The people are undaunted, they have held Tahrir, to yield now would mean nighttime arr... v @
Voice from Palestine
3 volunteering doctors stitching up & treating a demonstrator in the street v @ @
Dan Nolan
2 sides faced off for 15mins, no violence just war of chants then kaboom! Don't know what exactly ignited it but boy did it turn ugly fast!
@ happy to see your still there alive and kicking!!!!
Moody Fahmy
I count 7 ambulance entering Tahrir, thousands in high spirit, man organzing the protestors speaking on loudspeaker, Victory is Coming Soon!
+1 RT @: Been so busy tweeting I forgot to welcome the new followers. Don't be shy to say hi :)
Breaking RT @: RT @: Alarabiya journo Ahmed Abdallah reappears after being kidnapped and beaten
Voice from Palestine
Ambulances finally moving into Tahrir Square from the north and from Qasr al-Nile bridge. v @
Toni. Scurlock
RT @: PLZ Rtwt urgent need for med supplies 2 Mohamed Mahmod/Bab al louq near Tahrir call 012(240)6441
Al Arabiya is pleading for assistance in finding its missing reporter (captured by NDP thugs) Ahmad Abdallah to call 257 85 005.

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