Sunday, August 21, 2011

Health Ministry: Israel continues to attack civilians directly

GAZA, (PIC)-- The Gaza Health Ministry has confirmed that Israeli forces are continuing to attack civilians directly as the number of civilian casualties goes on the rise.

The ministry has called on Gazans to avoid gathering in targeted areas and to make way for medical crews to provide care for casualties.

On Sunday, a Palestinian child sustained critical injuries from shrapnel after an Israeli war plane targeted a group of Palestinians in Beit Lahya in northern Gaza Strip.

Seven others were wounded in another airstrike that targeted a police position to in west Gaza City.

Also on Sunday, Israeli occupation forces opened fire on two Palestinian men in Dheisha refugee camp in the southern West Bank.

The troops also proceeded to arrest the men after raiding the home of Bethlehem province mufti Abdul-Majid Ata. One of the men shot and arrested was the mufti’s son.

The troops prevented rescue vehicles from arriving at the scene and arrested the men as they were injured.

Health Ministry

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