Friday, September 2, 2011

Split EU seeks ‘one voice’ on Palestinian UN bid

Spot Poland

European Union foreign ministers on Friday groped to find common ground on a Palestinian bid for full UN membership later this month that has again exposed fissures in the 27-nation bloc.

Arriving for two days of talks in this sunny Polish seaside resort, several ministers stepped up to urge the EU to speak with a single voice just weeks before the Palestinians are to formally submit a request for membership.

“For all those who really seek a Middle East solution, it’s clear that it’s crucial for the European Union to have a united position,” said Belgian Foreign Minister Steven Vanackere.

As Israel’s leading economic partner and the Palestinians’ leading donor, Europe must “be capable of continuing to play the positive role it’s played in the Middle East ... and the key to that is unity,” he added.

And France’s Alain Juppe said on his way to the talks that “the 27 countries should speak with one voice” while warning that the bid risked triggering a dangerous diplomatic confrontation.

Europe remains divided over the delicate issue, with Germany and Italy publicly opposed but Spain pledging to vote in favor on or around September 20, when world leaders are gathered in New York for the 66th session of the General Assembly.

Frustrated by the stalemate in peace talks with Israel, on hold since last September over an intractable dispute over Jewish settlement building, the Palestinians are seeking statehood recognition despite staunch opposition from many quarters, notably Israel and the United States.

“Unilateral steps are not reasonable,” said German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. “We want a two-state solution to be reached through negotiations.”

While Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal sided with opponents of the move, calling for a peace deal “based on an agreement between all parties,” tiny Luxembourg urged a compromise.

“We cannot give nothing to the Palestinians,” said Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn. The EU needed to hammer out an option “to give dignity” to the Palestinians, he added.

But EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, just back from a three-day bid to revive direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians, said the union needed to see exactly what the Palestinians proposed before broaching a common stand.

“There is not a resolution before us on which we should take a decision ... there are many discussions going on,” she said. “The Palestinians will have to decide which resolution they put forward.”

Palestinians expect “more than 150” of the 192 UN member countries to endorse full Palestinian membership.

But this would fall short to ratify an application, which must be approved by the UN Security Council, where Washington has pledged to use its veto against the initiative.

The General Assembly however could raise the Palestinians’ standing at the UN from its current observer status as an organization to that of a non-member state, like the Vatican.

“The Palestinians thus would have more possibilities of better integration among the UN organizations,” Asselborn said.

If approved by two thirds of the General Assembly it would allow the Palestinians for instance to gain full membership of UN agencies such as WHO, UNESCO or UNICEF.

Split EU seeks ‘one voice’ on Palestinian UN bid

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