Thursday, August 18, 2011

Israel Arrests 16 Palestinian Children in August

RAMALLAH, August 18, 2011 (WAFA) – Israel arrested 16 Palestinian children and assaulted five others during the first half of August, said a report by the Palestinian Ministry of Information on Thursday.

The report pointed out violations that Palestinian children have suffered and said the 16 children who were arrested include two from Qalandia refugee camp, six from Jerusalem, seven from Hebron and one from Tulkarm, in addition to a prisoner’s wife and her infant who were arrested on a family visit in Ofer prison.

It said five children were assaulted by Israeli soldiers and Jewish settlers during the same period, including firing tear gas bombs at a child in Beit Ummar, a village north of Hebron, settlers from the settlement of Kiryat Arba in Hebron attacking a child, and three children injured by Israeli soldiers during the weekly march in Maasara, Bethlehem, against the wall and settlement expansion.


1 comment:

  1. Shame on Israel for its shortsighted and counter-productive approach, fascism and ongoing illegal and immoral settlements.
