Sunday, August 21, 2011

Israeli Minister Hints of Gaza Strikes - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Israeli Minister of Public Security says escalation will be protracted, hints Gaza will soon feel might of IDF.

by Gil Ronen

Flash 90

Public Security Minister Yitzchak Aharonovich hinted Sunday that Gaza is about to feel the might of the IDF following the multi-pronged attacks on Israeli civilians that left nine dead in three days.

Aharonovich (Israel is Our Home) toured Ashkelon this morning and answered questions put forth by residents. He would not directly address the matter of a possible military strike. Instead, he estimated that the current cycle of escalation will last "for many days."
"We are preparing as we did in Operation Cast Lead in late 2008-early 2009," he said. Aharonovich was accompanied by MK Sofa Landver at a meeting in the Municipal Control Center. When they exited the meeting, an Ashkelon resident accused the government of "not talking to the Palestinians in the language they understand and not providing security."
"Talk to me in a week's time," he said. "This round of escalation will not be over soon. The public needs to prepare itself. These will not be easy days."

Israel National News

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