Sunday, August 21, 2011

Israeli Prison’s Administration Serves Spoiled Food to Palestinian Prisoners

RAMALLAH, August 21, 2011 (WAFA) - Israeli prison’s administration in Etzion Prison has been giving Spoiled food and dirty utensils to Palestinian prisoners, who are already suffering from poor living conditions, which increased sharply during Ramadan, the holy month of fasting for Muslims, Sunday said Palestinian Prisoner's Club (PPC).

Prisoners said, “We don’t have a specific time for Iftar, when Muslims break their fast at sunset after fasting all day; we are given food late and we are unaware of the time.”

PPC condemned the Israeli measures, which escalated sharply following the Israeli government’s statements against prisoners, particularly on how to deal with jailed Palestinian children, violating all international norms and laws.

It called upon the international community, the humanitarian and human rights organizations to immediately intervene in order to stop these Israeli measures and policies.

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