Wednesday, August 17, 2011

OIC strongly lashes out at Israel''s approval to build 277 new settlements

JEDDAH, Aug 17 (KUNA) -- Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu on Wednesday strongly lashed out at the Israeli government's approval to build 277 housing units in Ariel settlement, built on the territory of the West Bank.
Ihsanoglu said in a statement that Israel is blatantly challenging the international legitimacy, adding that Israel's violations and its continuous quest to impose facts on the ground confirmed the importance of going to the UN to recognize Palestine's 1967 border line and the criminalization of all Israeli settlement procedures in the Palestinian territories.
The Secretary General renewed the call on the Quartet and the Security Council to act to stop such repeated violations of international law and the Fourth Geneva Convention.

277 new settlements - 17/08/2011

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