Sunday, August 21, 2011

Palestinian officials call for halt to Gaza military assault

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- The Palestinian Authority and Hamas government have both appealed to international and regional powers to halt Israeli attacks on Gaza, officials said Sunday.

President Abbas has asked Israel to stop its military escalation in the Gaza Strip, Nabil Abu Rudeinah, the presidents spokesman, told Ma'an.

Abbas has also asked Palestinian foreign ambassadors in Europe to pressure their respective countries to halt the assault.

“The efforts towards that are continuing but we hope Israel will stop the attack,” Abu Rudeinah said.

Military escalations in the area could lead to more extremism, he added.

Hamas Foreign Affairs Minister Mohammad Awad told Ma'an that Israeli forces want to send a message to the Gazan people that it is in control of the area.

“The Israeli occupation is trying to burden Gaza, that’s why the world has to try to stop the attack on Gaza, everyone knows that this method won’t break the will of the Palestinian people,” Awad said.

The assassination of Palestinian leaders will not affect the the people's will, Awad added, noting that it will only increase the determination of the Palestinians in achieving their goals and national rights.

Maan News Agency:

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